Risboller / rice balls

🎅 Risboller / rice balls ❤

❤ 200 g coconut fat 
❤ 160 g cooking chocolate 
❤ 1 ½ eggs 
❤ 1.2 dl sugar 
❤ 2 tablespoons coffee, preferably a little strong.
❤ 80 g puffed rice 

Melt cocosfat in a bowl over water bath (a pot of boiling water). Put the bowl on the counter and add the chocolate in pieces. Leave for a few minutes until the chocolate has melted. 
Stir well and cool to room temperature. 
❤ Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy and light. 
Stir in the coffee and the melted chocolate mixture. Use a spatula and turn in the puffed rice until everything is well mixed. 

❤ Use two spoons and make bowls that are placed in muffin tins or on parchment paper. Cool completely and store in a box in the refrigerator for serving.

❤ Warming; they are delicious! 👩‍🍳
